PR in the time of Covid-19
WHO ARE YOU? We push on applying your personal brand story through all your content and communication. Did you re-evaluate your brand, what it stands for and is it reflective of your story? This is the foundation from which everything else can be built. Do you have any pictures of yourself on your website, blog or social media? Put one up! Show your audience what you’re doing during quarantine. Make it personal.
WHO IS YOUR BUYER NOW? A lot of business is still at a standstill. Pay deep attention to your buyers. Did you create buyer personas? Go back to review them and research what has specifically changed for your buyer and how your brand story can integrate into their current story.
STAY MINDFULLY SOCIAL. The circumstances have shifted which means your buyer’s lifestyle. How can your brand or product represent itself in social media without selling but by telling? How is your product enhancing or supporting their current lifestyle. The content you now post will have to answer these questions.
ASK THEM. Do not ignore the reality of the situation. Acknowledge the situation is difficult. Ask your buyers/customers what you can do to support them. Do they want better tips? Do they want a live chat with you to figure out ways to better use the product or go over questions? Are you a makeup company that can do live Zoom makeup demos? Are you a candle brand that can do a demo video on how to turn old candle jars into potted plants for a family activity?
MIX UP YOUR MEDIA. Maybe you have always relied on media pitching. Yes you want to be in Vogue or Oprah. ALL brands want maximum media exposure but that does not always guarantee authentic exposure, especially right now. Maybe you have always relied on social media. Likes and followers also are not always relevant. How about podcasts or radio placements ? The listenership numbers are higher than you think and you are reaching your audience through a medium you have likely not tried before.
BONUS: PARTNERSHIPS & GIVING BACK. Consider partnering with complementary brands to create tutorials, contests, share important messaging etc. And consider donating small portion of sales or product to all types of applicable recipients. What do you feel most passionate and concerned about right now? Partner with those organizations that keep the world moving.